Fritt Ord Foundation competition: Freedom of expression's heroes and anti-heroes

February 4 2015

The Fritt Ord Foundation competition for upper secondary school students is introducing a new topic for the 2014/2015 school year: “The Heroes and Anti-heroes of Freedom of Expression”. We invite pupils to contribute texts or media productions that examine and introduce their hero or anti-hero.

This year’s topic invites the public to recognise the importance of freedom of expression to individuals or groups. The concept of ‘anti-hero’ may help us bring heroes down from their pedestals and open our eyes to nuances, grey areas and paradoxes. The term anti-hero is often understood to refer to a hero who lacks some of the qualities we usually associate with a hero, or to a scoundrel/opponent of freedom of expression. We will accept either interpretation.

Pupils can participate independently or as part a class at school. The deadline for entries is Monday, 2 March 2015. Participants compete for cash prizes and a study tour to Strasbourg. A widely diverse jury with broad-based expertise will evaluate the entries.