Language as culture

June 22 2016

Grants for library literature programmes, 2016–17

Linguistic identity, dialects, hate talk, Anglo-Norwegian, language policy, the language of the future, the language of power, multi-lingualism, the language controversy in Norway, the language of young people, sign language, linguistic research, New Norse, the language of texting, technical terminology, Pidgeon language, kebob Norwegian, minority languages, the language debate

What languages are in use in Norway today? How does literature reflect the world of language? How can the libraries communicate Norwegian language culture through new activities and initiatives?

The Fritt Ord Foundation is announcing grants of NOK 50 000 each for communications activities and discussions based on Norwegian factual prose and fiction. Applications will be accepted for funding for lectures, seminars, debates, dialogues or Internet-based communications activities.

Deadline for applications: 22 June 2016

Applications are invited from public libraries, or from individuals or organisations that have an event agreement with a library. Funding applications can be for individual events or for a series of events. The initiatives should be carried out in autumn 2016 or in 2017. Applicants are asked to draft a project outline that includes the topic(s), activities and a timeframe. Please attach a budget and funding plan.

Through this call for applications, the Fritt Ord Foundation seeks to encourage activities that will promote literature and strengthen public libraries as communications arenas. Applications should be submitted using the form on the website, see and choose ‘Applications Centre’. Applications should be marked ‘Language culture’ in the title field.

Contact: Oskar Kvasnes, Fritt Ord, tel: +47 23 01 46 44