NJP calls for new photographers

January 27 2015

Documentary photography in Norway has experienced a pronounced renaissance over the last decade, establishing its position as a self-standing genre, autonomous from Art and press photography. Owing to the Fritt Ord Foundation’s support for the Norwegian Journal of Photography (NJP), a growing number of Norwegian photographers have had a new platform to showcase their independent, long-term projects to both national and international audiences.

The first edition of the Norwegian Journal of Photography was published in February, 2013, and featured the work of 10 selected photographers. The second edition, with 8 new photographers, is now in the hands of our publisher, Journal in Sweden, for final design and printing. It will be released in Spring, 2015.

We are now issuing a call for applications from photographers for a new 2-year cycle of NJP. The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2015.

Read the full text of the call for applications here and get information about how to apply here.