Nominations for the Freedom of Expression Foundation Prize 2018

January 31 2018

Each year, Fritt Ord awards the Freedom of Expression Foundation Prize to individuals or institutions that have shown civil courage and worked to defend and strengthen freedom of expression and the conditions for it in Norway, especially by encouraging dynamic debate.

The Fritt Ord Foundation invites nominations for potential candidates for the prize. Nominations should be a maximum of 4000 characters long and include a brief description of the nominee’s efforts and a grounded justification for why the person or organisation in question deserves the prize. Please do not send attachments.

Nominations for the prize should be submitted to The email should be marked: “The Freedom of Expression Foundation Prize 2018”. The deadline for nominations is 12 noon on Wednesday 31 January.

The Fritt Ord Foundation’s Board will review the nominations parallel to considering the Board’s own nominations. The nominations will not be made public.

The prize is the Fritt Ord Foundation’s highest distinction. It consists of the Freedom of Expression Foundation statuette crafted by Nils Aas, and a prize of NOK 400 000.

A list of former recipients can be found here.