Youth|Literature|Library: Literature programmes at libraries 2015–16

June 19 2015

The Fritt Ord Foundation announces a call for applications for grants of NOK 50 000 each for literature programmes at libraries that target for youth from 13-19 years of age. Examples include funding for communications activities aimed at non-fiction, fiction and comic strips through meetings with writers, writing courses, debates, reading circles or online communications activities. At the same time, we are open to original ideas for presenting topics other than literature.

Applications are invited from public libraries, or from individuals or organisations that have an event agreement with a library. School libraries that cooperate with local libraries can apply, provided the activities in question are organised at the library. Funding applications can apply to individual events or a series of events. The initiatives should be carried out in autumn 2015 or in 2016.

Deadline for applications: 19 June 2015.

Applicants are asked to draft a project outline that includes the topic(s), activities and timeframe. Please attach a budget and funding plan. Applications should be submitted using the form provided on the website. Applications should be marked UngdomLitteraturBibliotek (‘YouthLiteratureLibrary’) in the title field.

In publishing this call for applications, the Fritt Ord Foundation wishes to encourage activities that will promote literature and to strengthen public libraries as communications arenas.

Point of contact: Oskar Kvasnes, Fritt Ord Foundation: Tel. +47 230 14644